Patients take care of a virtual pet by playing with it in C2Companion. This solution stimulate cognitive functions in a ludic way, but also treats anhédonia thanks to the zootherapy benefits.

Neurological rehabilitation and VRET : What does science say ?

Virtual pet provides medico-psychological and social benefits (Janne, 2017) and also has an impact on:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety behaviors
  • Depression

According to Yeh (2005), zootherapy improves the recovery process and increases patients’ life conditions.

The virtual reality therapeutic relationship lived by the patient creates a dog’s attrait (Gaunet, 2003). This virtual relationship is a major cause of cognitive disorder decrease.

This relationship and pet’s interactions create unconditional emotional assistance. It offers an acceptance and gratitude feeling on users.

Moreover, Libin & Choen-Mansfield (2004) proved that using a robotic and a stuffed cat brought an increase of interest and pleasure to retirement homes patients.

When it’s not possible to bring a real pet, C2Companion takes care of anxiety-depressive symptoms usually made with zootherapy.


C2Companion : ludic way to reach therapeutic goals

C2Companion is a software made to take care, thanks to various activities available, of a virtual pet in a stimulating environment.

What are the software’s benefits ?

This program has been developed to work on cognitive functions and body mobility without the negative points of the pencil-paper training. The ludic aspect of virtual reality and of our program give to the user the possibility to experiment again positive experiences but still working on semantic and procedural memories.

Virtual Reality Exposure Therapies sessions with C2Comp offer new motivations to the patient. C2Comp is an innovative and ludic alternative to target anhedonia by putting up the care effects brought by animals. Positive memories linked to this type of experience are reactivated with this software.


Applications wise choices

Thanks to the head movement tracker, the software can be used on patients with motor and practical disorders for gaming or as an occupational activity on care.

The social aspect of taking care of a pet is the ideal tool to create a new relationship between patients and caregivers. It’s also possible to use this software as a group mediation (Siriaraya & al., 2014).

C2Comp can also be only used as a tool to get out of regular daily life. This software encourages sharing and emotional control, but helps with focus and negative emotion management (Gaunet, 2003). Finally, C2Comp can be used to work on aggression, anger and turmoil decreasement..


List of symptoms treated with C2Companion:

Find out all of our environments available depending on the symptoms you want to treat.

C2Comp - Inside


Two environments “inside” and “outside” are made to take care of a virtual dog doing various activities. Many types or customizable conditions can be made on the ball throwing during these interactions.

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