C2Physio is a software created for physical therapies thought and created with a team of researchers and professionals.

VRET and motor and practical disorders : what does the science say ?

Virtual reality used for evaluation and functional mobility reeducation has proved efficient many times.

  • Studies have proved that there is a significant improvement in balance and physical functioning (Karahan, 2015)
  • The walking speed (Nicholson, 2015) and the muscle endurance (Keogh, 2013) increases as well
  • Results also have shown that people’s mental health is better.
  • Users have better life conditions (Karahan, 2015) and their self-esteem in their daily life with a decrease of their fear of falling (Orsega-Smith, 2012).

Experiments also show that there is a significant pain reduction after exercising with virtual reality.
Taking care of motor’s disorders with virtual reality not only gives results on physical conditions but also on psychological healing


Motor and practical disorder’s VR treatment and evaluation

Functional mobility’s evaluation with virtual reality provides many benefits : accuracy, reproducibility, decrease of external causes and automatically recording values in the patient’s medical file.

Brain-damages cause a lot of body schema and proprioceptive’s disorders. C2Physio evaluates the patient’s posture toward a quick and thin analysis of his posture.

Virtual reality increases patient’s motivation and their engagement in reeducation. The direct feedback offers the possibility for the patient to fix his movement to reach his reeducation goals.


C2Physio for mobility

C2Physio is a software made for physical therapies thought and created by a team of researchers and professionals. Our C2Physio solution uses virtual reality to immerse the patient in an environment for:

  • mobility evaluation
  • Vestibular reeducation
  • Functional reeducation (upper and lower members)

Doing a quick and accurate quantitative evaluation of the amplitude of the movement is possible with the software. Exercises available make the possibility to work on:

  • Amplitude gain on joint mobility
  • Gesture track and precision to improve the control of the end of the movement
  • Posture hold to increase your patient’s force and endurance.

In orthopedics, it’s possible to start an immobilized member reeducation or to relieve a phantom member’s pain.

C2Physio also helps treatment by the vestibular physical therapy. Many exercises are available and customizable:

  • Visual vections
  • Visual flow
  • Optokinetic stimulation
  • Motion sickness
  • Vertigo

C2Physio is an efficient tool against kinesophobia. Users, even in geriatrics, can realize natural reeducation movements in a ludic way. Pain is forgotten, focus is stimulated. Coordination and mobility, made with games, reinforce muscles and allow a global ludic reeducation, without anxiety or fear.

List of environments in C2Physio:

Find all the different environments available depending on exercises you want to practice.

C2Physio - Elbow mobility

Body mobility evaluation

Thanks to different environments provided, C2Physio offers the possibility to do the body mobility evaluation. Movements are going to be made by the patient and he has to realize exercises such as the elbow, shoulders, wrists flexions. Progressively, when realizing movements, results are displayed on the screen. This way, the professional has numerical datas of the exercises and sees his patient’s progress.

C2Physio - Proprioception


Virtual reality is also made to work on proprioception. Cervical and global proprioception can be worked with some exercises to exercise on the patient’s balance. Patient’s posture is quantified to be able to adjust it.

C2Physio - Functional rehabilitation

Functional reeducation

C2Physio software offers reiterating exercises in virtual reality to reinstaure motor’s functions and reestablish movement freedom

C2Physio - Seasickness

Vestibular reeducation

Vestibular reeducation can be made with different available environments such as optokinetic stimulation, vections, visual flow and sea sickness. Central nervous system’s plasticity can be worked with our software to endorse new balance strategies

C2Physio - Basket


There are various sport exercises in C2Physio such as tennis, archery or basketball. These exercises give the possibility to work on practical abilities, mobility and forecasting skills. Quantitative results will give the possibility to progressively look at movement’s evolution, by reiterating them.

C2Physio - Phantom Member


Phantom and personalized movements can be worked with C2Physio. Working on immobilized members or relieving pain on a phantom member is possible

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