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Dissociative identity disorder

Perhaps you’ve already heard of DID: Dissociative Identity Disorder. We’re hearing more and more about it in the media, and we can even find it in certain films (e.g. Split). As a result, both true and false information about this pathology is circulating. Let’s take a look at TDI together!

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autistic Disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome, Heller’s Syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Disorder Unspecified : since the DSM-V, all these qualifications have been grouped together under the name ASD – Autism Spectrum Disorder. Is it an illness? What are the different forms? How can it be detected? Let’s take a look at this still poorly understood disorder, which gives rise to many questions and false beliefs.

The Mental Load

Surely you have already heard of the mental load. But do you really know what that means ?

Emotional intelligence

Have you ever taken your stress or anger out on someone when it didn’t come from them? Knowing how to accept and manage your emotions correctly is a proof of emotional intelligence fundamental to success.

Parental Burn out

We’ve all heard of Professional Burn Out. But have you ever heard of parental/family burn out? Maybe it is still taboo, but yes, despite all the love that parents can bring to their child, a parent can experience parental burnout. Let’s take a closer look at this subject and without taboos this time!


Procrastination is a well-known phenomenon that affects most of us. It is the tendency to put off tasks that need to be done.

Neurotransmitters : our neural language

Have you ever heard expressions like “having a memory like an elephant”? Or “having the brain of a sparrow”? Because yes, not so long ago it was thought that intelligence and brain size were related. Today, it is no longer a secret; intelligence has nothing to do with the diameter of our forehead or the volume of our brain. We know that, despite its average weight of 1400 grams, the human brain is the most advanced and dynamic in the living world.


Many people suffer from the manipulation of those around them, most often without knowing it. If manipulation takes many forms, gaslighting has recently come to light. But what is it exactly?

Vicarious learning

What if completing a task did not depend solely on you? What if your personality was governed by fundamental psychological needs and that meeting these needs could lead you to personal fulfillment? To be self-determined is to be able to respond to a sense of freedom, interest, appreciation and acceptance at the same time. Being self-determined is therefore fundamental to our well-being.

Virtual Reality Exposure Therapies

Virtual reality exposure therapies (VRET) are based on cognitive-behavioral therapies’ exposure principles. By receiving scientific validity, VRET are an alternative from imaginary or in vivo exposures. These types of therapies are made to take care of many mental pathologies : anxiety disorders, addictions, eating disorders… As brief therapies, VRET focuses on “here and now” to treat urgent clinical pictures and give to the patients a smart and efficient response to the severity of their pain.

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