For more than 30 years, virtual reality exposure therapies have been shown to be effective in managing anxiety disorders and in particular in specific phobias such as fear of public places and open spaces. A gradual and progressive exposure in virtual reality allows you to desensitize and significantly reduce your anxiety
“Virtual reality is 80% effective, with benefits lasting more than a year after treatment.” Eric Malbos, Medical Psychiatrist
C2Care, world leader in therapeutic virtual reality (VR) since 2015, now allows you to expose yourself from your home. A psychologist accompanies you in your treatment with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and exposure to virtual reality to overcome your phobia.
This treatment of agoraphobia offers a practical and effective solution.

More than 1000 patients already treated, be next!

Agoraphobic individuals may fear open spaces (parks, bodies of water, public squares, natural areas). Open spaces are often vast, and this perceived immensity increases anxiety for agoraphobic individuals.
They can be seen as less controllable or less secure than closed spaces, provoking feelings of vulnerability. Treating agoraphobia using virtual reality allows for the creation of controlled environments to adapt to patient’s needs.
Open spaces offer less privacy and may involve more social interactions. Agoraphobic individuals may fear being observed or judged by others, wich can trigger significant anxiety. Treating agoraphobia helps manage these social inreactions progressively.
Buldings can be a source of anxiety for agoraphobic individuals due to numerous anxiety-inducing factors : walkways, stairs, heights, elevators. Elevators and stairs in buldings can provoke feelings of confinement and entrapment, triggering panic attacks in agoraphobic individuals who fear feeling trapped or unable to escape.
Treating agoraphobia in these environments using virtual reality helps reduce these panic sensations.
Buldings are often associated with significant heights : the roof, the nacelle, the upper floors. The fear of elevated spaces, known as acrophobia, can mix with agoraphobia, amplifying the anxiety felt by these individuals.
Treating agoraphobia with virtual reality allows for effective management of these combined fears.

Public transport, commonplace for some , is much more anxiety-inducing for agoraphobic individuals. Among the most anxiety-inducing public transports are the subway, train, bus, and airplane. The place itself can be distressing, triggering panic attacks in agoraphobic individuals who fear feeling trapped or unable to escape. Treating agoraphobia with virtual reality helps overcome these transport-related fears.
Your therapist, will gradually introduce you to these places, adjusting the characteristics : the frequency of public transport, unexpected events like breakdowns, noises.
Treating agoraphobia with virtual reality allows for progressive adaptation of these environments.
Buildings often house public spaces such as lobbies, hallways, and common areas, which can be frequented by many people. Agoraphobic individuals may feel increased anxiety when in crowded spaces or when they have to interact with numerous individuals. Treating agoraphobia with virtual reality allows for progressive management of these situations.
Everyday public spaces can be a significant source of anxiety for agoraphobic individuals : supermarkets, queues, cinemas, hospitals, airports. Virtual reality allows for the adjustment of environments to gradually develop coping strategies for dealing with their anxiety frequency, intensity of gazes, mood of interlocutors.
Treating agoraphobia with virtual reality helps significantly redure these anxieties.
By using virtual reality as a tool for treating agoraphobia, individuals can overcome their fears in a safe and controlled manner, allowing them to regain confidence and overcome the obstacles related to their phobia.

1. I get my headset
You will need to equiped yourself with a compatible virtual reality headset. You will then have an unlimited access to our software : C2Phobia, C2Drive, C2Hypno, C2Brain, C2Custom, and C2Motion.
2. I carry out my sessions
If you are followed by a therapist, you will discuss together your anxiety disorder, in order to understand it and to give you the necessary tools to reduce it. You will be exposed to virtual reality in a progressive manner adapted to your needs.
3. I use my headset autonomously
You will be able to repeat as many times as necessary the exposure to the different situations in order to create a habituation and thus reduce the anxiety related to them.