Article – Offre de soins – particulier – EN

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Amaxophobia, or fear of driving

Amaxophobia, or fear of driving, is an excessive and irrational fear of driving or having a car accident. It is part of the family of specific situational phobias and manifests as intense anxiety in situations to driving. The treatment of amaxophobia is essential to help individuals overcome this fear of driving and regain their autonomy. Amaxophobia can be caracterided by distress when the person is at the wheel, whether on certain roads or all roads, or even as a passenger. The treatment of amaxophobia helps to reduce this distress and improve the quality of life of those affected. Amaxophobia affects nearly 5% of adults, particularly those aged 20 to 40. Women are more affected by this phobia. The treatment of amaxophobia is crucial for these individuals to help them regain confidence and overcome their fear of driving.

Acrophobia, or fear of heights

Acrophobia, or fear of heights, is an excessive and irrational fear of being in high places or elevated locations. It is a specific situational phobia that can be debilitating in social, professional, and daily life. The treatment of acrophobia is essential to help individuals overcome this anxiety. This extreme anxiety is considered dysfunctional because it is not related to the actual danger of the situation. Panic can manifest in real or imagined situations. The treatment of acrophobia aims to reduce this panic and help individuals return to normal life. Between 2 and 5% of the population suffers from acrophobia, and women are twice as likely to be affected as men. Overcoming the fear of heights is a crucial goal for these individuals to reduce the negative impacts on their daily lives.

Social Phobias

Social phobia, or social anxiety, is a fear of certain social activities or performances. These are situations in which the person feels intense anxiety about possible negative judgment from others. This anxiety can significantly affect self-confidence, making any social interaction difficult. Public speaking is often a major source of stress for those suffering from social phobia, as they fear being observed, rejected, embarrassed, or humiliated, which triggers avoidance and isolation behaviors. This social phobia can lead to a lot of suffering and should not be taken lightly. In Europe, 2 to 4% of the population suffers from social phobia, and it is more prevalent among women than men. The consequences on self-confidence and the ability to speak in public can be severe, often requiring professional intervention to help individuals overcome their fears and improve their quality of life.

Aviophobia, or fear of flying

Aviophobia is the fear of flying, or of travelling by air. It is a simple phobia (i.e. it is not related to a situation, but is specific to the aircraft itself). Fear of flying can be linked to other phobias such as fear of heights, claustrophobia or agoraphobia. On the other hand, the fear of flying itself is often related to the fact of not having control over the situation. In effect, we are leaving our lives in the hands of an unknown person. This is why we feel as if we are putting it at risk. 20% of the world’s population suffers from aviophobia

Agoraphobia or fear of public places and open spaces

Agoraphobia, or the excessive and irrational fear of being unable to escape of find help, is known as the "fear of fear". This phobia can significantly limit daily life, both socially and professionally. The treatment of agoraphobia is crucial to enable individuals to overcome these limitations. It is a relatively complex phobia to treat because the avoidance behavior are numerous. Agoraphobia can be intertwined with other anxiety disorders such as claustrophobia, amaxophobia, ochlophobia, and many others. Agoraphobic individuals often avoid public places, closed or open spaces for fear of panicking or losing control. The treatment of agoraphobia helps to reduce these avoidance behaviors. About 1,7% of adults suffer from agoraphobia, and this phobia often begins in young adults between the ages of 20 and 30. Treating agoraphobia at the first symptoms can significantly improve the quality if life for those affected.

Claustrophobia, or the fear of enclosed spaces

Claustrophobia is the excessive and irrational fear of small, closed, enclosed spaces… that give a feeling of being significantly confined. This extreme anxiety is considered dysfunctional because it is not related to the reality of the danger of the situation. Panic can occur in a real situation, or in an imagined way. 12.5% of the world’s population suffer from claustrophobia

Entomophobia, or the fear of insects

Entomophobia is the extreme fear of insects. It is one of the most common forms of phobia. It causes panic and acute anxiety. Images of insects alone can generate a lot of discomfort and imagining face-to-face situations with these animals can be enough to generate high levels of anxiety. About 6% of the population suffering from entomophobia.

School phobia

School phobia can be seen as an excessive fear, an irrational anxiety in the face of various events such as being less gifted than a classmate, being criticised or mocked during oral presentations, being humiliated, taking exams etc., or sometimes even for no apparent reason. It is regularly associated with separation anxiety, generalized anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder. 28% of teenagers or kids are affected by school phobia during their school years and this phobia is constantly increasing.

Eating disorders, ou EDS

Eating disorders come in several forms: restriction, which consists of limiting caloric intake; over-control, which involves strict eating rules; lack of control, which triggers eating binges; and emotional eating, which amounts to “eating one’s emotions”. Between 10% and 20% of the world’s population suffer from eating disorders

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – ADHD

Advanced Techniques for Improving Focus and Impulse Control Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) impacts attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, affecting education, work, and social interactions. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder marked by difficulties in maintaining attention, excessive hyperactivity, and impulsive behaviors. It significantly disrupts academic, professional, and social activities. Symptoms, often evident from childhood, include frequent forgetfulness, difficulty organizing tasks, lack of persistence in mentally demanding activities, and a tendency to interrupt others or act without considering consequences. Managing ADHD typically involves a combination of medications, behavioral therapies, and increasingly, innovative interventions like virtual reality that offer strategies to improve concentration and impulse control. These methods aim to maximize independence and enhance the quality of life by helping individuals structure their routines and develop adaptive social and professional skills. Approximately 5% of children and 2.5% of adults in Europe are affected by this disorder.

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